Oma maa (Our Land) Cooperatives Projec

Kuva: Mona Ahtiainen
The Oma Maa Cooperatives (vaihtoehtoisesti The OLC Project) project seeks to support and strengthen the communality, the inclusion and the language skills of immigrants and people with labour market disadvantages.
The project’s activities include education on urban farming and agriculture. This will take place in the DiakonKylä* community garden, which we will be building together during the project. In addition to gardening work, participants will receive both individual and group guidance, the former of which will be used to map their life situations and future aspirations.
We are helping our clients find jobs and educational paths. We also offer cooperative consulting to those interested.
You can find the monthly calendar here

The Oma Maa Cooperatives project operates within the economic regions of Pori and Rauma. The project is aimed toward: -people who are either facing unemployment or are outside the labour force
-the partially disabled
-ethnic Finns and immigrants who are not well integrated into the labour market
The project is managed by the Western Finland Diaconia and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF+). It will run from 1.2.2024 to 31.1.2027.
You can get involved by contacting the project staff and making an appointment.
The project is implemented by the Western Finland Diaconia foundation and ESR+ funding for the project has been granted by the Central Finland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.
Join us
On this page, we will explain how to get involved in the Oma Maa Cooperatives project.
Sign up and make an appointment with Timo Helavuori. You can reach Timo by calling 044 7052027 or by sending an email to
At the initial meeting we will tell you more about the project and the community gardening activities, and make sure that this is something you wish to commit to.
After the initial meeting, you will be able to join our group activities. These include agriculture, gardening and holistic wellbeing. The wellbeing component will be planned together, with the needs and wishes of the participants in mind.
Participation in the Oma Maa Cooperatives is open to everyone and free of charge.
By participating in our activities, you become part of a community of nice people; you will have the opportunity to create new friendships and get to know different cultures.

On the video you can see and hear the project workers explaining about the activities in the DiakonKylä garden.


Merja Rikala
Management & communications, co-op activities
p. 044 705 2302

Timo Helavuori
Individual and group guidance
p. 044 705 2027

Hanna-Laura Lehti
Community gardening activities, co-op agriculture
p. 044 705 2008